Install + Configure Elasticsearch to Speed up WordPress CentOS

The default WordPress search uses MySQL which is not search-optimized and can be slow due to the structure of some WordPress and WooCommerce tables. Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database which uses a lucene structure with the goal of providing search results in real time. The ElasticPress plugin integrates WordPress with Elasticsearch to make WordPress searching awesomely fast. … Learn more…

Install Redis Object Cache for WordPress PHP 7 on Ubuntu 16.04

Redis-server can be used for WordPress object cache to speed up transient processing. Transients are temporary data objects used by WordPress which are stored in the MySQL database by defuault. Benchmarks reveal significant performance benefits with the PHP PECL Redis extension. This guide is for Ubuntu 16.04. It provides a secure Redis installation for WordPress after telnet exploits were … Learn more…

Fix Varnish Mixed Content Errors + CloudFlare Flexible SSL + WordPress

Cloudflare Flexible SSL offers a free and simple way to add the HTTPS green lock to your WordPress site. There is a Flexible SSL plugin that will usually help resolve any problems like redirect loops. You may get broken CSS or mixed content errors when using Cloudflare’s Flexible SSL with Varnish. This guide should help … Learn more…

How to Cache AJAX GET Requests with Varnish 4

Varnish vcl (Varnish Control Language) allows you to be precise about what and how you cache specific URLs in WordPress and WooCommerce. One area which can be a pain for performance enthusiasts is showing up-to-date recent posts in a sidebar widget or show off your popular posts in the footer. Usually AJAX is used to bypass cache by … Learn more…

How to Configure Redis to Use Unix Socket Speed Boost

Redis is a high speed caching system for storing objects in RAM. It works well with WordPress and WooCommerce as an object cache for storing transients so they are not stored in the MySQL database. On WooCommerce particularly this can help a lot because of the number of transients used by plugins, orders and shoppers. Unix … Learn more…