Favorite rsync Commands for Copying WordPress Sites

Copying, moving, cloning WordPress is easiest and fastest by the command line using SSH – especially for large sites it is the best and often essential! You can use this method on any Linux system which contains rsync like CentOS (cPanel), Plesk, Ubuntu and debian systems on VPS, dedicated servers or even containers like docker … Learn more…

Protecting wp-admin Brute Force Attacks with nginx Rate Limiting

WordPress is gaining in popularity and therefore the number of attacks specific to WordPress keep increasing. I manage servers for some political websites which get attacked relentlessly so that means I get to create new firewall rules and rate limiting directives to help keep the site running – very fun! Recently this site was being … Learn more…

How to Batch Zip Backup + Install WordPress Plugins with WP-CLI

During WordPress performance troubleshooting or malware investigation, you will often want to disable all of the plugins at some stage of your process. You may also want to back up all of the WordPress plugins as separate zip files for safekeeping just in case you lose track during the troubleshooting process. Re-installing all of the … Learn more…

Checking the Current WordPress Version via Command Line with(out) WP-CLI

There are so many ways to check the current WordPress version mainly using the graphical user interface (GUI) dashboard. Usually I am working on the command line so I prefer to be able to check without having to log in to the site. Below I show 3 different ways that you can check the current … Learn more…