Restoring ManageWP Backup with WP-CLI

ManageWP is my goto choice for managing WordPress and WooCommerce stores. The incremental backups ManageWP offer along with simplified update management with the automatic rollback from the safe update feature make it really attractive if you have maintenance clients or manage a lot of sites and stores. It also helps make developer life easier if … Learn more…

How to Export Large WordPress Databases and Speed Up the Process

Anybody who has had to export large WordPress databases will tell you it can often be an arduous task. If the database server crashes while exporting, you have to start over. If phpMyAdmin times out because the PHP handler has a low time out, you have to start over. If you are using the command … Learn more…

Convert WordPress Single Site to Multisite Subsite with WP-CLI and bash

Converting a WordPress single site to a Multisite subsite can really test your patience levels, especially if you are unfamiliar with the multisite structure. Previously I have shown how to convert a Multisite subsite to a single site. This guide walks you through step by step to convert a WordPress single site to a multisite … Learn more…