Clean WordPress Database after Removing Elementor Page Builder

When you uninstall plugins from WordPress a lot can be leftover in the database. This makes the database unnecessarily large and could even slow down queries. It is always a good idea to clean your WordPress database after removing plugins. I recently switched a site from Elementor to GenerateBlocks to improve performance so naturally I … Learn more…

Find Slow WordPress or WooCommerce Database Queries with WP-CLI

Slow database queries can really kill the performance and user experience of your WordPress site or WooCommerce store. Most users will try Query Monitor to identify slow MySQL queries on their site which is a fantastic plugin. If you want to gather data over time you can use New Relic which is incredibly valuable. Today … Learn more…

Configure Cavalcade for Scaling WordPress wp-cron to 100+ Jobs

Cron is a scheduled task system that runs on Linux. WordPress has its own version of cron that it calls wp-cron. This is where all of the scheduled tasks from WordPress core, plugins and themes store their future jobs to run (WooCommerce uses something called action_scheduler for many of its background processes). Sometimes you do … Learn more…

Cleanup Database and Remove ExactMetrics WordPress Plugin

Sometimes plugins get purchased and totally revamped. This can go well and make your user base very happy but it can also have the opposite effect. For ExactMetrics the re-branding went terribly and users became irate leaving enough 1 star reviews to completely tank the plugin’s previously stellar, almost perfect 5 star rating. I was … Learn more…