Auto Whitelist your Dynamic DNS Address for nginx Security

Whitelisting your IP address for login pages on WordPress, WooCommerce or any CMS is one of the best security methods for protection from hackers. Most ISPs use dynamic IP addressing which means your IP address will change from time to time. This poses a convenience problem since you will be denied access to site served by nginx if … Learn more…

How to Configure Memcached to Use Unix Socket Speed Boost

Memcached is a high speed caching system for storing objects in RAM. It works well with WordPress and WooCommerce as an object cache for storing transients so they are not stored in the MySQL database. On WooCommerce particularly object caching can help considerably because of the number of transients used by plugins and orders. Unix sockets … Learn more…

Protect + Stop WPScan WordPress User Enumeration with Varnish

WPScan is a WordPress vulnerability scanner written in Ruby. Sucuri sponsored WPScan which hosted on github. With its security vulnerability database for WordPress core, plugins and themes hackers can get a report on your site’s known security problems which can be exploited. You can install WPScan yourself on Debian 8 (guide) or Ubuntu 16.04 (guide). WPScan provides multiple ways … Learn more…

How to Integrate fail2ban with CloudFlare API v4 Guide

CloudFlare is a pretty sweet free security, firewall and acceleration service that I use on all my WordPress sites. The old CloudFlare API is being retired shortly (November 2016, source). Since the CloudFlare v4 API is already live, I wanted to be prepared for the new API switch. I use fail2ban to protect my wp-login … Learn more…