Protect + Stop WPScan WordPress User Enumeration with Varnish

WPScan is a WordPress vulnerability scanner written in Ruby. Sucuri sponsored WPScan which hosted on github. With its security vulnerability database for WordPress core, plugins and themes hackers can get a report on your site’s known security problems which can be exploited. You can install WPScan yourself on Debian 8 (guide) or Ubuntu 16.04 (guide).

WPScan provides multiple ways to discover the usernames of accounts on WordPress and WooCommerce sites. If you ever wondered why your security plugin is reporting bots that have guessed your username, chances are the hacker bots use WPScan’s methods.

Using this tutorial you will use Varnish to protect against WPScan user enumeration.

Using WPScan User Enumeration

WPScan provides multiple ways to discover the usernames of accounts on WordPress and WooCommerce sites.

This section is divided into basic and advanced user enumeration scans with WPScan.

WPScan Basic User Enumeration Scan

This is how you can do a basic user enumeration with WPScan.

ruby wpscan.rb --url --enumerate u

You will get some output like this

[+] Enumerating usernames ...
[+] Identified the following 1 user/s:
    | Id | Login             | Name              |
    | 1  | wpbullet          | wpbullet          |

Crap, that means users know my username and can brute force it.

WPScan Advanced User Enumeration Scan

Even if you block the basic user enumeration scan, there is an advanced one that uses a POST request method.

ruby stop_user_enumeration_bypass.rb

Damn, they still know my username

Usernames found:
| Id | Login             | Name              |
| 1  | wpbullet          | wpbullet          |

Time to prevent these scans.

Stop WPScan WordPress User Enumeration with Varnish

Open up your Varnish vcl.

sudo nano /etc/varnish/default.vcl

The syntax is slightly different for Varnish 3 and 4 so there are separate sections for each version below.

Prevent WPScan User Enumeration with Varnish 3

In the sub vcl_recv section add these snippets for Varnish 3 to prevent WPScan basic and advanced user enumeration

#stop wpscan user enumeration
if (req.url ~ "\?author\=([0-9]*)") {
    error 403 "Not allowed";

#to stop wpscan advanced enumeration

if (req.url == "/" && req.request == "POST" && !req.http.cookie ~ "wordpress_logged_in") {
    error 403 "Not allowed";

Ctrl+X, Y and Enter to Save and Exit.

Verify your Varnish 3 vcl syntax is correct.

varnishd -C -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl

Reload Varnish 3 service.

sudo service varnish reload

Prevent WPScan User Enumeration with Varnish 4

In the sub vcl_recv section add these snippets for Varnish 4

#stop wpscan user enumeration

if (req.url ~ "\?author\=([0-9]*)") {
    return(synth(403, "Not allowed."));

#to stop wpscan advanced enumeration

if (req.url == "/" && req.method == "POST" && !req.http.cookie ~ "wordpress_logged_in") {
    return(synth(403, "Not allowed."));

Ctrl+X, Y and Enter to Save and Exit.

Verify your Varnish 4 vcl syntax is correct.

varnishd -C -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl

Reload Varnish 4 service.

sudo service varnish reload

Testing Blocked WPScan User Enumeration with Varnish

After reloading Varnish WPScan can be run again to see if our modifications worked.

Perform a basic WPScan user enumeration scan again

ruby wpscan.rb --url --enumerate u

Output showing we blocked the enumeration with Varnish

[+] Enumerating usernames ...
[+] We did not enumerate any usernames

Now with the advanced user enumeration

ruby stop_user_enumeration_bypass.rb

Output showing no usernames were enumerated by WPScan

Usernames found:
| Id | Login | Name |

This guide showed you how to block WPScan WordPress user enumeration methods – both basic and advanced – with Varnish.

You should see far less hacker bots brute forcing your WordPress or WooCommerce admin username now.