Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL nginx for WordPress Ubuntu 18.04

Let’s Encrypt has transformed the internet. Every website can now have a free SSL certificate! You can authenticate your website with Let’s Encrypt using the .well-known path but if you have multiple virtual hosts then this can get tedious so Let’s Encrypt made it possible to add wildcard SSL certificates by using DNS to authenticate … Learn more…

Blocking Country and Continent with nginx GeoIP on Ubuntu 18.04

Globalization has made cyberattacks much easier 🙁 unfortunately. As a result, you may not want certain countries to visit your site if you mainly get malicious traffic from specific countries that overload your server and slow it down. In this tutorial we will be configuring nginx to use the latest GeoIP database and blocking a … Learn more…

Configure CentOS Automatic Security Updates

When running your own VPS, security updates are critical for stability. I have shown how to configure automatic security updates on Debian and now it’s time to do it for CentOS. CentOS provide a flag for applying security updates, when combined with yum-cron we can schedule security updates to be automatically installed every day. Configure … Learn more…