Single Hop http to https for non-www or www Domain with .htaccess

In the performance world we generally like to avoid doing unnecessary things because they add overhead. This includes unnecessary redirects, wastes of bandwidth and more. This post will show you multiple ways to force Apache or LiteSpeed to redirect your primary domains from http to https in one single hop to avoid unnecessary redirects. For … Learn more…

MonsterInsights Plugin Uninstall Database Cleanup with(out) WP-CLI

A number of WordPress plugins are notorious for not removing data after the plugin has been uninstalled – MonsterInsights is no exception. This can bloat the options database table. If you installed a couple of plugins to test on a site, then removed them, this can all lead to the options table growing or custom … Learn more…

One hop http to https Redirects in Cloudflare for www or non-www

Performance is often about not doing unnecessary things and redirects are no exception! When running speed tests on gtmetrix, pingdom or webpagetest, you may see warnings about unnecessary redirects especially if you have migrated from http to https or have changed your domain from non-www to www. This guide has Cloudflare users covered to make … Learn more…

Improving nginx Proxy + Fastcgi Page Caching Skip Cache Reasons

Many nginx users nowadays are enjoying the benefits of server side caching with a reverse proxy cache or fastcgi cache (this is what Kinsta use). I have the pleasure of working with a lot of these server configurations and sometimes you get some undesired caching behavior that you need to debug in the nginx virtual … Learn more…