Install Redis Object Cache for WordPress PHP 7 on Ubuntu 16.04

Redis-server can be used for WordPress object cache to speed up transient processing. Transients are temporary data objects used by WordPress which are stored in the MySQL database by defuault. Benchmarks reveal significant performance benefits with the PHP PECL Redis extension. This guide is for Ubuntu 16.04. It provides a secure Redis installation for WordPress after telnet exploits were … Learn more…

How to Configure nginx Reverse Proxy WordPress Cache for Apache

Apache is not known for its speed. On the contrary, Apache has garnered a reputation for being rather bloated and performing well under high traffic. However, Apache is still the most popular web server around the world and is used by many hosting companies due to its familiarity and htaccess. If you still love Apache … Learn more…

Protect WordPress wp-login with Apache HTTP Auth + fail2ban

Most tutorials for protecting wp-login.php for WordPress block users who are actually trying to make login attempts which makes logical sense. The problem with this method is that these brute force protection methods are still expensive for your web server. When a user tries to log in, PHP processing occurs and MySQL queries are made … Learn more…