Avoid Kernel Reboots with Ubuntu Livepatch from Canonical

Canonical’s Livepatch helps avoid Ubuntu reboots due to kernel upgrades. Livepatch is an alternative to KernelCare from CloudLinux which I showed how to set up here. Canonical are giving you up to 3 servers per account so you can keep those server’s kernels up to date without rebooting and avoid critical downtime!

Getting Started with Ubuntu Livepatch from Canonical

Sign up with this link https://auth.livepatch.canonical.com/?user_type=ubuntu-user and make sure to choose Ubuntu user then click the Get your Livepatch token

Get your token after logging in and you will see your token that you can easily copy to the clipboard by clicking the icon on the right.

The key for your admin@wp-bullet.com account is:


It’s now time to install the Livepatch service on your Ubuntu 18.04 server.

First install snapd

sudo apt install snapd -y

Now you can install the Livepatch service

sudo snap install canonical-livepatch

Enable the Livepatch for the server by entering the token with this command sudo canonical-livepatch enable <token>

sudo canonical-livepatch enable 4e81a1fd20c1481bf20b15dbc3cdf91b

You should see some output saying that Livepatch is enabled

Successfully enabled device. Using machine-token: 25aea9daeb9f490b8a3ad4880fce5ce8

You can disable the kernel Livepatch with this command

sudo canonical-livepatch disable 4e81a1fd20c1481bf20b15dbc3cdf91b

You should see output saying Livepatch is no longer enabled for that server

Successfully disabled device. Removed machine-token: 25aea9daeb9f490b8a3ad4880fce5ce8

If you see this error This machine ID is already enabled with a different key or is non-unique then follow these instructions to re-generate a unique machine id.