Fixing wp_options Table Missing Unique Column and Primary Key

I have had the opportunity and pleasure of doing a lot of WordPress and WooCommerce database cleanups on Codeable to speed up sites. This was one of my favorite projects to complete for a large multisite on Kinsta (Review) that gets around 1 million page views per week. If you see this error in phpMyAdmin ‘Current … Learn more…

Convert WordPress Single Site to Multisite Subsite with WP-CLI and bash

Converting a WordPress single site to a Multisite subsite can really test your patience levels, especially if you are unfamiliar with the multisite structure. Previously I have shown how to convert a Multisite subsite to a single site. This guide walks you through step by step to convert a WordPress single site to a multisite … Learn more…

Check WordPress wp-cron Count with WP-CLI + Monit + Email Alerts

Monit is a very flexible Monitoring tool to help ensure your services are always running. It can be used to send email alerts (guide with Mailgun) when processes crash and automatically restart them. On all the VPS and dedicated servers I set up for my clients on Codeable, I configure Monit for proactive monitoring. wp-cron … Learn more…

Advanced WordPress Database HTTPS Search + Replace with WP-CLI

When migrating your WordPress site to https you can have leftover http references causing mixed content warnings and missing green secure locks in browsers! Despite using a migration tool or some plugin to do a simple search and replace, they don’t catch all the http references which can cause mixed content errors errors and insecure … Learn more…