Creating WordPress Taxonomy Terms WP-CLI with Parent and Child Relationships

Using Taxonomies and hierarchies is a great way to categorize your data in WordPress. I was curious how it would be possible to automate the creation of taxonomy terms with parent terms using a WP-CLI script. This tutorial will show you how to automatically re-create your taxonomy structure with child and parent terms using WP-CLI … Learn more…

Automating WooCommerce and WordPress Updates with WP-CLI Script

WordPress and WooCommerce updates are critical nowadays. Keeping your site or store secure from the latest security exploits that may have been disclosed and reported on WPScan Vulnerability Database (see here how to install WP Scan and use it) or ThreatPress. WP-CLI can help automate the monotonous update dance of plugins, themes and WordPress core … Learn more…

Batch Deleting WooCommerce Customers with No Orders or Money Spent with WP-CLI

Working on WooCommerce is always a fun challenge. I had a client who had a ton of spam customers because where was missing security on the site. This meant he had several thousand users who were clogging up the database and mailing list! This tutorial will show you how to delete WooCommerce customers who have … Learn more…

Restoring ManageWP Backup with WP-CLI

ManageWP is my goto choice for managing WordPress and WooCommerce stores. The incremental backups ManageWP offer along with simplified update management with the automatic rollback from the safe update feature make it really attractive if you have maintenance clients or manage a lot of sites and stores. It also helps make developer life easier if … Learn more…