Cleanup Database and Remove ExactMetrics WordPress Plugin

Sometimes plugins get purchased and totally revamped. This can go well and make your user base very happy but it can also have the opposite effect. For ExactMetrics the re-branding went terribly and users became irate leaving enough 1 star reviews to completely tank the plugin’s previously stellar, almost perfect 5 star rating. I was … Learn more…

Automating WordPress Health Checks with WP-CLI doctor Command

Your WordPress or WooCommerce store’s health is absolutely critical nowadays both in terms of performance and security. Having a slow site or one that has been defaced does not exactly demonstrate technical proficiency and inspire trust from your visitors. Generally I like to be proactive with performance and security rather than re-active which means we … Learn more…

Using WP-CLI to Scan for WordPress Security Vulnerabilities

Previously I have shown how to install WPScan on Ubuntu installation guide (for Ubuntu 16.04) and debian but what if you want to scan locally and not remotely? Especially if a site is protected from WPScan using protection methods  that prevent enumeration or access to files that expose the WordPress theme or plugins you are using. … Learn more…

Using Free Tideways XHProf + XHGUI PHP 7.x for WordPress Code Profiling

WordPress performance has become incredibly important these days. Google has devoted an engineering team for WordPress performance development! Knowing which code is slowing your site down can help boost visitor retention and improve conversion rates for WooCommerce. XHProf is an amazing tool that can help you identify bottlenecks in your WordPress code. This took me … Learn more…