Automate WooCommerce Database Upgrade Process For Single and Multisite

If you run WooCommerce on a multisite, you have probably gone through the tedious process of running the WooCommerce data upgrader for each subsite. It is not so painful if you only have 5 subsites but imagine if you have 50 or 500! I had a client recently ask ‘I have a WooCommerce multisite with … Learn more…

Using WP-CLI to Troubleshoot Frontend WordPress Plugin and Theme Conflicts

The potential time savings for troubleshooting WordPress with WP-CLI can be incredible. Many of us have had to go through the plugin deactivation dance to isolate a conflict with a plugin and/or theme in WooCommerce or WordPress. This is an incredibly tedious task if you only use the wp-admin dashboard to deactivate each plugin one … Learn more…

How to Export Large WordPress Databases and Speed Up the Process

Anybody who has had to export large WordPress databases will tell you it can often be an arduous task. If the database server crashes while exporting, you have to start over. If phpMyAdmin times out because the PHP handler has a low time out, you have to start over. If you are using the command … Learn more…

Using WP-CLI to Batch Update Serialized wp_options Settings

More WordPress plugins and themes are storing their settings as serialized options in the wp_options table. Sometimes we need to batch update these serialized settings for one reason or another and before it was only possible to update these programmatically with WP-CLI if the setting in the database was a simple non-serialized version. Luckily WP-CLI … Learn more…