Favorite rsync Commands for Copying WordPress Sites

Copying, moving, cloning WordPress is easiest and fastest by the command line using SSH – especially for large sites it is the best and often essential! You can use this method on any Linux system which contains rsync like CentOS (cPanel), Plesk, Ubuntu and debian systems on VPS, dedicated servers or even containers like docker … Learn more…

Install and Use WPScan on Ubuntu 18.04

WPScan is a WordPress vulnerability scanner created in the Ruby language. Sucuri sponsors this project and it is hosted open source on github.  WPScan uses Sucuri’s vulnerability database for WordPress core, plugins and themes it creates a report on your site’s known security vulnerabilities which could be exploited by a hacker or script kiddie. Install … Learn more…

Using Free Tideways XHProf + XHGUI PHP 7.x for WordPress Code Profiling

WordPress performance has become incredibly important these days. Google has devoted an engineering team for WordPress performance development! Knowing which code is slowing your site down can help boost visitor retention and improve conversion rates for WooCommerce. XHProf is an amazing tool that can help you identify bottlenecks in your WordPress code. This took me … Learn more…

Protecting wp-admin Brute Force Attacks with nginx Rate Limiting

WordPress is gaining in popularity and therefore the number of attacks specific to WordPress keep increasing. I manage servers for some political websites which get attacked relentlessly so that means I get to create new firewall rules and rate limiting directives to help keep the site running – very fun! Recently this site was being … Learn more…

Getting Started with RediSearch with WordPress and WooCommerce on Ubuntu

Redis is a key value storage system that can be configured to speed up websites and those running WordPress and WooCommerce. It is typically used as the fast storage system for WordPress and WooCommerce external object cache (using for example this plugin). But Redis has grown and become more versatile! You can actually build modules … Learn more…