Protecting wp-admin Brute Force Attacks with nginx Rate Limiting

WordPress is gaining in popularity and therefore the number of attacks specific to WordPress keep increasing. I manage servers for some political websites which get attacked relentlessly so that means I get to create new firewall rules and rate limiting directives to help keep the site running – very fun! Recently this site was being … Learn more…

Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL nginx for WordPress Ubuntu 18.04

Let’s Encrypt has transformed the internet. Every website can now have a free SSL certificate! You can authenticate your website with Let’s Encrypt using the .well-known path but if you have multiple virtual hosts then this can get tedious so Let’s Encrypt made it possible to add wildcard SSL certificates by using DNS to authenticate … Learn more…

Blocking Country and Continent with nginx GeoIP on Ubuntu 18.04

Globalization has made cyberattacks much easier 🙁 unfortunately. As a result, you may not want certain countries to visit your site if you mainly get malicious traffic from specific countries that overload your server and slow it down. In this tutorial we will be configuring nginx to use the latest GeoIP database and blocking a … Learn more…

Improving nginx Proxy + Fastcgi Page Caching Skip Cache Reasons

Many nginx users nowadays are enjoying the benefits of server side caching with a reverse proxy cache or fastcgi cache (this is what Kinsta use). I have the pleasure of working with a lot of these server configurations and sometimes you get some undesired caching behavior that you need to debug in the nginx virtual … Learn more…