MonsterInsights Plugin Uninstall Database Cleanup with(out) WP-CLI

A number of WordPress plugins are notorious for not removing data after the plugin has been uninstalled – MonsterInsights is no exception. This can bloat the options database table. If you installed a couple of plugins to test on a site, then removed them, this can all lead to the options table growing or custom … Learn more…

How to Export Large WordPress Databases and Speed Up the Process

Anybody who has had to export large WordPress databases will tell you it can often be an arduous task. If the database server crashes while exporting, you have to start over. If phpMyAdmin times out because the PHP handler has a low time out, you have to start over. If you are using the command … Learn more…

Converting WordPress Database Tables from MyISAM to InnoDB with WP-CLI

In this post I will show you how to easily convert your WordPress database tables from the MyISAM engine to the InnoDB engine with WP-CLI. In case you are wondering why you would want to do this database conversion, this StackOverflow post highlights the improvements of InnoDB over MySIAM (taking advantage of multiple cores is … Learn more…