Automating DNS Propagation Checks with dig on Linux

I do a lot of hosting migrations on Codeable to help WordPress site owners make their site faster. For anybody who has migrated hosts before you know the major bottleneck is DNS and its slow propagation. I usually check DNS records with DNS Checker and it works very well but it requires manual labor. I prefer … Learn more…

Enable SVG gzip Compression in nginx

SVGs are a great way to have losslessly scalable vector images. Unlike other image types like png and jpg, svgs can be gzipped to compress them even further. Gzip compression can reduce file size dramatically. For example, you can shrink SQL files so they are 10% of their original size. This tutorial will show you how … Learn more…

Advanced WordPress Search Replace Database with Linux using sed

When you migrate a WordPress site or WooCommerce store to a new domain you may find some URLs or paths were not updated. Similarly when switching from http to https you may get some mixed content errors, usually this can be fixed by updating the database. Traditionally there are some plugins and scripts that help … Learn more…

Configure CentOS Automatic Security Updates

When running your own VPS, security updates are critical for stability. I have shown how to configure automatic security updates on Debian and now it’s time to do it for CentOS. CentOS provide a flag for applying security updates, when combined with yum-cron we can schedule security updates to be automatically installed every day. Configure … Learn more…