Configure CentOS Automatic Security Updates

When running your own VPS, security updates are critical for stability. I have shown how to configure automatic security updates on Debian and now it’s time to do it for CentOS. CentOS provide a flag for applying security updates, when combined with yum-cron we can schedule security updates to be automatically installed every day. Configure … Learn more…

Remove Google Adwords gclid Query String for nginx

Using Google AdWords to gain traffic for your WordPress or WooCommerce site can increase loyal viewers and customers. You may find visitors who click your Google ad get a slower experience. Google adds a query string that looks like ?gclid=vak234kasd1312 which bypasses any caching you may have enabled. Google uses this query string for tracking, however, … Learn more…

Cache EDD Currency from GeoIP with CloudFlare + Varnish 4

Aelia Currency Switcher for Easy Digital Downloads allows digital store owners to set different currencies based on customer geolocation. The MaxMind databases provide GeoIP services so you can detect your visitor’s location. Automatic currency detection based on country adds extra convenience to your store, however it can add extra loading time because PHP must be used to look up … Learn more…

Cache AJAX GET Requests with Cloudflare and Varnish

AJAX requests are typically used to provide dynamic content on WordPress sites and bypass cache. I have already shown how to Cache AJAX requests with Varnish to bypass PHP and MySQL for AJAX processing by storing the cache in Varnish. In my quest for maximum performance I also experimented with Cloudflare page caching for WordPress. This guide … Learn more…